Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pop Art Was Simply a Reflection of Consumer Society and Mass Media

Pop art was simply a reflection of consumer society and mass media, not a critique. Discuss with reference to the work of 3 artists. Pop Art was one of the major art movements of the twentieth century. It brought art back to the material realities of daily life, in which ordinary people derived most their visual pleasure from popular mass culture, such as advertising, television, magazines, or comic books and comic strips. As it emerged from the experiments of the fifties, was the ideal instrument for coming to grips with the American urban environment. Stangos, 1997) As the post-war generation and the stable political situation, it drove people back to the qualities of life. At the same times, America urban environment was influence by industrialism, consumer society and the mass media explosion. The pop artists have found subjects, which have previously been ‘invisible’ because they are so much a part of our surroundings that we don’t see them. These things now begin to appear, once the artists have pointed them out, and we discover that the world is full of ‘Pop object,’ which are expressive of our times and our values for better or for worse. Mahsun, 1989, p. 163) Pop art was established from the reality of basic consumer society; therefore, it was accepted by the society easily.Pop art is said to be a reflection of culture as artists are giving new interpretation to different ordinary objects in their art works. Jasper Johns establish his career in art in 1954, he uses flags, numbers, letters and maps these kind of common symbols in daily life as element or theme of his art work. Jasper talks about his work, ‘Flags’ (fig. ), in which he thinks that flag this kind of most ordinary objects ‘can be dealt with without having to judge them, they seem to me to exist as clear facts, not involving aesthetic hierarchy. ’ (Harrison and Wood, 2001, p. 721) He adds that ‘one thinks it has forty-eight sta rs and suddenly it has fifty stars; it is no longer of any great interest. ’‘The painting of a flag is always about a flag, but it is no more about a flag than it is about a brush-stroke or about a color or about the physicality of the paint, I think. (Harrison and Wood, 2001, p. 723) People will not care anymore about the cultural meaning of a flag, such as the meaning behind the number of stars of flag, but it transforms to a new representation of merely art element—- brush-stroke, color and paint. The deform of ordinary objects is reformed into a new image using oil and collage on fabric. By looking at the quality of work, one may say it is unfinished, however Jasper said it is his intention. ‘I think a painting should include more experience than simply intended statement.I personally would like to keep the painting in a state of ‘ shunning statement’, so that one is left with the fact that one can experience individually as one pleases; th at is, not to focus the attention in one way, but to leave the situation as kind of actual thing, so that the experience of it is variable. ’ (Harrison and Wood, 2001, p. 726) Besides he is interested in deforming objects, he also intended to leave the painting not ‘perfect’ as people usually conceived, to let viewer to ‘experience’ and interpret the painting in their own way.Lippard (1966) also said that he has neutralized the gap between life and art by composing ‘imperfect synthesis of motif and treatment’. The question about is it a painting or flag is no more important. He integrates art and life with the use of ordinary objects and the imperfect way to treat his art. The new interpretation of ordinary culture is arousing resonance of viewers rather that a voicing out a statement to challenge the society. Andy Warhol, another master of pop art giving a new interpretation of mass production. For the most 1950s he was a successful gra phic designer, particularly in the field of shoe illustration.In 1960, Warhol, produced his first canvases depicting comic strip characters. The canonical repeated Soup Cans, Disaster, Elvises and Marilyns followed in 1962. Warhol talks about his work, ‘Campbell’s Soup Cans,’(fig. 2), for the reason he start painting soup cans ‘because I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch every day, for twenty years, I guess, the same thing over and over again. ’(Harrison and Wood, 2001, P. 732) Painting usually reflects the painter’s mind, which is happening around them. And the Soup cans totally reflect what Warhol’s life had and what he concerned.Daily objects are used again as the theme of art work which is reminding viewers about very common objects, which Warhol is placing a new value and thought into them through his work. Another series of painting, the death series (fig. 3), and the reason to start this series is because there was lots of disaster news from the mass media. Warhol realized that everything he was doing must have been Death. That started it. But he believed when one see a horrible picture over and over again would lose the effect (Harrison and Wood, 2001, P. 732).He even wants to repeat the images like what a machine does. In the 60s, most of the American similar to Warhol repeating their life likes a machine. No one would like to be a machine, but Warhol does. Warhol said that ‘I want to be a machine, and I feel that whatever I do and do machine like is what I want to do. ’ (Harrison and Wood, 2001, P. 732) In 1963 Warhol was mass-producing the images by silkscreen technique, for the repeated images ‘makes us aware again of objects which have lost their visual recognition through constant exposure.We take a fresh look at things familiar to us, yet uprooted from their ordinary contexts, and reflect upon the meaning of contemporary existence. ’(Stangos, 1997, P. 229) War hol wants an art that will appeal to everybody, and his ‘products’ range from soup to cheesecake, Brillo to Marilyn Monroe, nose surgery to Jacqueline Kennedy, as he mention ‘everything is beautiful, Pop is everything. ’ (Stangos, 1997) Once again, his art work reflects the mundane daily life of Warhol. It becomes widespread and popular because of the objects are so attached to everyone’s common life in America, which recalls people’s memory.It is more probably that he is playful to ordinary materials, giving new look to them, mass producing them, rather to give a critical statement to the contemporary society. Roy Lichtenstein, who was a founder and foremost practitioner of pop art, he interest in the comic-strip cartoon and blown-up enlargements of things as an art theme probably began with a painting of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, ‘Look Mickey’ (fig. 4). Although he was initially dissatisfied with his technique and uncomforta ble with direct appropriation, he took great pleasure in presenting well-known comic-strip figures in a fine art format.He thinks that Pop art is commercial art which is used as subject matter in painting. (Franciz, Mark and Foster, 2005) He is interested in signs and comic strips because they are ‘usable, forceful and vital about commercial art†¦. We are using those things—- but we are not really advocating stupidity, international teenagerism and terrorism. ’ (Franciz, Mark and Foster, 2005, p. 229) The use of ‘comic strips’ itself already brings the cultural effect which everyone could digest easily, while he did not intend to give a judgment to the culture or society.Roy also said that he painted directly. To express the things in a painterly style would dilute it; the techniques he uses are not commercial, they only appear to be commercial and the ways of seeing and composing and unifying are different and have different ends. Roy believes pop art looks out into the world; it appears to accept its environment, which is not good or bad, but different-another state of mind. And the tension between apparent object-directed products and actual ground- directed processes is an important strength of pop art. Mahsun, 1989,) When the curator at the modern museum has called pop art fascistic and militaristic, ‘the 1st televised war’ (fig 5), Roy said that ‘The heroes depicted in comic books are fascist types, but I don’t take them seriously in these paintings- maybe there is a point in not taking them seriously, a political point. I use them for purely formal reason, and that’s not what those heroes were invented for†¦. Pop art has very immediate and of the moment meanings which will vanish- that kind of thing is ephemeral- and pop takes advantage of this ‘meaning’ which is not supposed to last, to divert you from its content.I think the formal statement in my work will become clearer in time. ’ (Mahsun, 1989, P. 113) It is clear that Roy does not take the heroic effect of cartoon strip itself seriously, even agrees with the fading meaning of pop art it may convey. It does not matters to him whether the effect will be long-lasting. He takes the immediate effect of cartoon images which are popular and influential in the moment. One could hardly think about he is criticizing the culture from his own statement. In 50s to 60s America societies, pop culture is the product of the Industrial Revolution, and of the series of technological revolutions that succeed it. Nikos Stangos, 1997) The impact of Mass media from radio, television or magazine advertising was fully influenced in America urban environment, who can live without this complicated mass media element. According to impact of mass media, the commonplace objects (such as comic strips, famous star and commodities) were used as subject matter in pop art. When the pop artists discovered those â₠¬Ëœinvisible’ objects, they realized that there were full of new interesting art element surround them. When the daily commodities become an art piece, the relationship between the commonplace objects and the consumer are resonating easily.That is the reason why pop art acceptance and recognition by the consumer society and become a fad quickly. (Harrison and Wood, 2001,) It is more prone that Pop art is reflecting the society and culture rather than judging it. ‘Everything about pop art was, and is, transient and provisional. By embracing these qualities, the pop artists held a mirror to society itself. ’ (Stangos, 1997, P. 238) | | | (Fig. 1) Flags, 1952| | (Fig. 2) Campbell’s Soup Can, 1962| | | | | | | (Fig. 3) five deaths, 1963| | (Fig. 4) Look mickey,1961| | | | | | | (Fig. 5) The 1st televised war,1972| | |Reference list: Francis, Mark and Foster, 2005, Hal (eds). Pop, Phaidon, New York Harrison, C and Wood, P 2001, Art in theory: 1900-2000: and ant hology of changing ideas, Oxford, Blackwell. Honnet, K 2007, Andy Warhol 1928-1987 commerce into Art, Taschen, Germany Lippard,L. R, 1966, Pop Art, Thames and Hudson, London Livingstone, M, 2000, Pop art a continuing history, Thames and Hudson, Singapore Mahsun, C. A. R, 1989, Pop Art the critical dialogue, UMI Research Press, London Stangos, N, 1997, Concepts of Modern Art, third edition, Thames and Hudson, Singapore

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moral Dilemma: Army Recruitment and Video Games

Moral Dilemma: Army Recruitment and Video Games While watching the documentary â€Å"Digital Nation,† produced by Rachel Dretzin, I became interested by a section titled â€Å"The Army Experience Center. † The documentary shows clips of teenagers as young as thirteen playing violent videos games in an arcade run by the Army. The whole goal is to arouse these teenagers’ interest so they enlist. Having strong negative feelings towards war and teenage recruitment to begin with, I decided to research this subject further.Let me take you through my thought process while I struggle with the question; Is the Army Experience Center’s (AEC) use of war video games a moral way to recruit teenagers? My first source, a radio program titled â€Å"War Games Lure for ‘Real Thing† laid the background. Host Jacki Lyden explains how the AEC had closed on July 30, 2010 after being in a Philadelphia shopping mall. It was only open for two years in order to â€Å" determine the most effective tools for public outreach† (Army).The center’s spokesman, Captain John Kirchgessner, said the center was successful and had been a â€Å"better way to share our Army story than to simply smile and dial and ask somebody if they thought about joining lately† (War). Brian Lepley adds to this by saying, â€Å"We have got to reach them the way that they entertain themselves† (Joel). I found these statements to be true. After all, before building the AEC, the Army had shut down five recruiting offices nearby. With half the staff, the Army was able to recruit the same amount of people and still save money (War).This saving of money was good business practices and even benefits tax payers. My perception of the AEC was already looking better. Though Kirshgessner is confident that these recruits were aware of the difference between war and videogame, Staff Sergeant Jesse Hamilton has a different perspective. He worries that the use of vi deo games as a recruitment tool takes away from the reality of war. He goes on to say, â€Å"People screaming, blood, flies, horrible smells – the list goes on and on. And they’ve taken all of that out, and what they’ve effectively left is the portion which they consider to be the fun part† (War).Reading this statement reminded me of why I felt ashamed of the AEC to begin with. It gives kids, who don’t know any better, a false idea of all the different aspects of war. I found myself back to my initial, negative perception of the AEC. At this point, I knew I needed more first-hand information about the AEC. Keeping with radio programs, I stumbled across one hosted by Rebecca Roberts who goes into more detail about the center as she takes a tour. She describes it as â€Å"slick and gadget-heavy as an Apple store† (Army).There are two simulators: a Humvee and two Blackhawk helicopter, a career navigator, a global-base locator, and rows of Xbox game counsels. Everything is free, as long as you are thirteen or older. It seems so innocent, like a teenage boy’s dream come true. While thinking more about the nature of boys, I reminded myself that boys have been known through all generations to play war games. Weather it is Cowboys and Indians, Battleship, or the latest video game. It’s in their nature. The more I thought about violent video games, the more I accepted it as a modern day childhood game.Maybe the AEC is more innocent then I thought. Yet, even with an acceptance of violent videos games, I still had not applied that to the Army’s use of video games to persuade teenagers into war. Roberts mentions that some have criticized the AEC â€Å"for bait-and-switch tactics, masquerading as an arcade when it’s really an Army recruiting station† (Army). The Army calling itself an arcade when it’s really a recruitment center brings a whole new problem to the subject. The Army is not all owed to recruit teenagers who are underage.This makes the Army look untruthful. Though the AEC isn’t called a recruitment center, it is. They shut down those five nearby recruitment centers because they planned to recruit teenagers, instead, at the AEC. Staff denies that the AEC is a recruitment center, but then turn around and boast about how many kids they have recruited (War). Bill Deckhart describes it as, â€Å"The Army people would talk about it and say, ‘Oh it's not a recruiting center,’ [and] at the end of their statement, they would talk about how recruiting was doing.To me, it was very dishonest† (Joel). The dishonesty of the Army became my major turnoff. After all, if the Army was not doing anything wrong then why would they have to lie? In â€Å"Playing War,† Ian Graham and Ronald Shaw argue for a more innocent view of war video games. Their term ‘transitional space’ (790) for video games suggests that they are used to help ready soldiers and recruit new ones (796). Video games, in Graham and Shaw’s minds, are purely tools to help soldiers experience war and help civilians understand it.The Army Experience Center’s use of video games is not a new concept in American Army history. In fact, the Army’s use of digital media dates all the back to the 1970s and from 1996 when the video game Doom II: Hell on Earth came out for training purposes (794). I asked myself, â€Å"Why was there so much controversy over the AEC when the Army has been using video games for years? † Perhaps it has something to do with all the negative science floating around out, claiming violent video games have disastrous effects on young minds. I decided to research this further in my forth source.In the presence of so many studies about the correlation between video games and violent behavior, Author Christopher Ferguson begs to differ. He claims that â€Å"measures used in video game studies claiming to represent ‘aggression’ in fact don’t correlate will with actual real-life aggressive acts or violent behaviors† (79). This is clear and can be proven by the fact that the number of violent crimes from youth and adults have decreased while video game sales have risen (Ulanoff). Being intrigued by this new idea that violent video games are safe for society, I ventured on with my research.Lance Ulanoff has a son who loves video games, especially violent ones. He has seen no difference in his son’s behavior since he has started playing video games and trusts that his son knows fact from fiction. When talking about today’s youth, Ulanoff says, â€Å"when they turn off those games, they go back to being the same teen they were before they turned it on† (Ulanoff). In his writing, Ulanoff stresses that parents should be responsible over what their kids do. This made me realize something so basic about the fight against the AEC. If parents donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t like it, then they have the right to tell their kids not to go.If parents are concerned their kid is too naive about the dangers of war, they can educate their kids. If a child enlists in the Army because they developed a false sense of war from playing video games at the AEC, whose fault is that? At this point of my research, I now believed that this is the parent’s responsibility, not the Army’s. In the article titled â€Å"I Wish I were a Warrior,† authors Konijam, Bijvank, and Bushman state that video games are harmful to adolescence boy minds. They are too influential to have role models who â€Å"show no remorse for their aggressive actions, and are rarely punished for behaving aggressively† (Konijam).The authors, also, relates lower education with vulnerability, which made me come to my own explanation as to why there are disproportionately more African Americans in the Army. In many ways, this article is true. We should be mindful of the effects that violent media has on us. Maybe we won’t go out killing people, but we are becoming less sensitive of the horrors of war because of it. A life is too precious to take a chance. While on the subject of desensitization, I came across an article published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The issue of war video games and desensitization took a spin.The authors admit that video games blur the lines between reality and fiction, and that this can be bad for children civilians. Yet, while reading, I realized not all desensitization was bad. The article points out that just as medical students need to be desensitized from blood, so do soldiers when it comes to killing and facing tragedy (Carnagey 490). The video games are the bridge between civilian and soldier life and troops benefit from that slow transition into war that video games provide. After reading this article, I had a completely new perspective on what desensitization is.Yet, this article conti nues to say that desensitization, while good for people planning to go into war, isn’t good for the regular, thirteen year old civilian. Though this article had valid points, the average kid visiting the AEC wouldn’t benefit from desensitization. With my views about the AEC going back and forth between good and bad, I continued to research on. I came to the article â€Å"Conflict of Interest,† written by Lev Grossman and Evan Narcisse. The article describes our nation’s high demand for video games. It, also, describes the realness so many of today’s games have.Talk about video game’s strong influence on our society had me thinking. We have seen people try to reenact graphic movies such as the â€Å"Dark Knight† movie theater shooting in Colorado, but we have never seen such reenactments based off of video games. If video games are so influential and detrimental, there are no facts to proof it. I began to think that the AEC’s us e of video games wasn’t really that big of a deal. As I read on, I found a quote by Hirshberg that reads, â€Å"I think there will be a time when we look back and find it quaint that video games were so controversial† (Grossman).By this time in my research, this quote summed up my thinking, though I still was uncertain about where I stood on the issue of the AEC. My last source was an interview with a World War II veteran, Rudy White. The moment I mentioned video games with recruitment he shook his head and said â€Å"no† (White). White reiterated my very first thoughts about how videogames the AEC desensitized people and put falsehoods into the realities of war. He said there are no consequences to face in games, while real war is filled with consequences. White gives an example that a man killed is a son, a brother, and father, and a friend who is now dead forever.There is no reset button in real life (White). After hearing White, I felt that all the research I did trying to justify the AEC was almost useless. I realized that it was better to trust my instincts that said war video games have their place in society, but not in Army recruitment. Through all my research, I have had a lot of mixed feelings. My initial thinking was that the AEC’s use of video games as a recruitment tool was destructive. It was a dishonest tools used by the Army that gives a false idea about war. It, also, desensitizes kids to the horrors and consequences of war.Yet through my research, I have seen valid counter argument to my own thinking. Some of these arguments are really quite simple, like the Army is just trying to connect with what kids like to do. Others are that the AEC gives people a more well-rounded idea of the Army than if they were playing the same video games alone in their rooms. Through it all, my final perception of the AEC came after talking to veteran Rudy White. I realized that there are many good things about the AEC, but the negati ves outweigh them all. War is too serious to be a game and thirteen is too young to recruit.The AEC and its use of violent video games is not a moral way to recruit teens to the Army. Works Cited â€Å"Army Complex – Arcade Or Recruiting Center? † Weekend All Things Considered 17 Jan. 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Carnagey, Nicholas L. , Craig A. Anderson, and Brad J. Bushman. â€Å"The Effects of Video Games Violence on Physiological Desensitization on Real-Life Violence. † Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43. 3 (2006): 489-496. Print. Ferguson, Christopher J. â€Å"Blazing Angels Or Resident Evil? Can Violent Video Games Be A Force For Good?. † Review Of General Psychology 14. (2010): 68-81. PsycARTICLES. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Graham, Ian, and Ronald Shaw. â€Å"Playing War. † Social and Cultural Geography 11. 8 (2010): 789, 803. Print. Grossman, Lev, and Evan Narcisse. â€Å"Conflict Of Interest. † Ti me 178. 17 (2011): 70-75. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Joel, R. (2012). The Army Experience Center. On Marketplace [Record]. Philadelphia: American Public Media Konijn, Elly A. , Marije Nije Bijvank, and Brad J. Bushman. â€Å"I Wish I Were A Warrior: The Role Of Wishful Identification In The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggression In Adolescent Boys. Developmental Psychology 43. 4 (2007): 1038-1044. PsycARTICLES. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Swanson, David. â€Å"The Army Experience Center's Bad Experience: Turns Out Training Kids To Kill Not Popular With Public. † Humanist 69. 6 (2009): 5. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. Ulanoff, Lance. â€Å"Violent Video Games: Our Responsibility, Not The Courts. † PC Magazine 29. 12 (2010): 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. â€Å"War Games Lure Recruits For ‘Real Thing’† Weekend Edition 31, Jul. 2010. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. White, Rudy. Personal interview. 31 Oct. 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay Example for Free

Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us Essay Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us BY shaker71493 Jacob Nieuwenhuis Contemporary Issues MSR 10 March 2010 Universal Health Care in the United States â€Å"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep. His cupidity may at some time point be satisfied; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. The issue of universal health care taking over the present health care system has become a heated topic all over America. With President Obama’s promise to pass a bill that will give government coverage to all Americans, most people were happy that health care would become more affordable for them. But is this the case? There has been a stiff opposition to the passing of any bill of this kind throughout the entire process, but the longer a bill stays in circulation the more time people have to form an opinion on the issue. With the law in effect now the issue now turns to if this will e better off for America in the long run, and if there is any good to such a system. History has a lot to say about socialized medicine. There have been many countries, not only socialistic countries which have used a public method of offering medicine. A few of these countries are Great Britain, Canada, France, Australia, and also the European system. These systems will be analyzed from their ro ots up in order to see whether they were successes or failures. The National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain, which was created on July 5, 1948, is the world’s largest publicly funded health service ever. As can be seen on the diagram, the NHS is divided into two sections: primary and secondary care. Primary care is the first point of contact for most people and is delivered by a wide range of independent service providers, including general practitioners, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. Secondary care is known as acute healthcare and can be either elective care or emergency care. Elective care means planned specialist medical care or surgery, usually following referral from a primary or community health professional such as a general practitioner. In this system there are a lot of different trusts (refer to iagram). These trusts are where the money is sent for certain types of care. The main trusts are the Primary care trusts. Primary care trusts (PCTs) are in charge of primary care and have a major role around commissioning secondary care, providing community care services. They are the main core to the NHS and control 80% of the NHS budget. Green, did a report on the effects of preventive care in Great Britain for diseases such as circulatory disease and cancer. His main focus was on the circulatory system and the conclusion of his reports states that: â€Å"The main findings can be summarized as follows. The I-JK has a poor record of preventing death from diseases of the circulatory system. After allowing for the different age structure of each country in the European Union, the I-JK death rate from circulatory diseases for persons aged less than 65 was ranked thirteenth out of the 15 countries studied. † There are many negative aspects of the NHS. There are stunning reports of people who didn’t get care, or who waited for months in order to get prevented care. One example of a terrible thing that happened recently in Great Britain was a cancer patient who had to wait for 62 weeks before starting treatment. Patients were outraged by this. They said that for some cancer patients with slow growing tumors could wait that long but that it is atrocious that someone would have to wait that long to receive any type of care at all. It was compared side by side with a case from 20 years earlier, when Heather Goodare was diagnosed with the same problem and eceived treatment within two weeks after first being diagnosed. The European system has run into a lot of obstacles over the years, mostly financial. There is currently a 5 percent to 8 percent increase in expenses per year in real terms, resulting in enormous deficits and even greater problems when the rate of unemployment rises. When employment rates improve, the deficits are eased because more taxes come in to pay for care. But as soon as employment falls again (which is common everywhere right about now), deficits come back. A common method used for getting over this deficit is rationing care and restricting use of high ost preventive cares such as CAT scans. Sometimes this is only towards people who meet a certain criteria, e. g. the elderly. This can only be bad for the consumer. Michael Tanner sums this up nicely in his article condemning socialized medicine in the U. S. : â€Å"The Europeans have run into a very simple economic rule. If something is for it. Think of it this way: if food were free, would you eat hamburger or steak? At the same time, health care is a finite good. There are only so many doctors, so many hospital beds and so much technology. If people over consume those resources, it drives up the cost of health care. â€Å" All the countries in Europe have this health care system. There are, however, three countries in Europe that allow their citizens to opt out of the official system and to take with a tax credit for the money they paid to the official system, to purchase private insurance in the health market. These countries are Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. In those countries, citizens do not have to pay twice in order to acquire private health insurance. The systems of these three countries are important in that they may point the way to a solution for the current financial problems Western health care systems are experiencing. This private plan is more expensive but reachable for at least a third of the population. For the most part, people in Europe are happy with the health care they receive. In the Netherlands there is a basic plan that everyone can buy (it is not a government mandate). This covers things such as broken limbs, emergency room visits Oust the visit), and seeing general practitioners. On top of this, a person may buy whatever â€Å"premium add-ons they want. An example of an add-on is dental and orthodontic care. With this add-on all the people in the household of the insurance buyer receive ull dental care as well as braces for all the children of the family. Trudy Rubin, who is a Philadelphia Inquirer opinion columnist, says that the United States is not learning valuable lessons from the European system of healthcare. She addresses the three myths that she thinks are thought to be believed as fact. She takes these myths from an excerpt from T. R. Reid. The three myths are as follows: à ¢â‚¬Å"Myth No. 1, he says, is that foreign systems with universal coverage are all â€Å"socialized medicine. † In countries such as France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan, the coverage is universal while doctors and insurers are private. Individuals get their insurance through their workplace, sharing the premium with their employer as we do – and the government picks up the premium if they lose their Job. Myth No. 2, which is long waits and rationed care – is another whopper. â€Å"In many developed countries,† Reid writes, â€Å"people have quicker access to care and more choice than Americans do. † In France, Germany, and Japan, you can pick any provider or hospital in the country. Care is speedy and high quality, and no one is turned down. Myth No. 3 really grabs my attention: the delusion that countries with universal care â€Å"are wasteful systems run y bloated bureaucracies. † In fact, the opposite is true. America’s for-profit health insurance companies have the highest administrative costs of any developed country. Twenty percent or more of every premium dollar goes to nonmedical costs: paperwork, marketing, profits, etc. â€Å"If a profit is to be made, you need a n army of underwriters to deny claims and turn down sick people,† says Reid. † Canada is another place where health care is run by the government. This came into effect when the parliament unanimously passed the Canadian Health Act in system. Under this law, provinces must ensure that their health care systems respect ive criteria: The first is public administration. This means that the health insurance plans must be administered by a public authority who is accountable to the government. The second is comprehensive benefit. The plan must cover all medically necessary services prescribed by physicians and provided by hospitals. The third is universality. This means all legal residents of the province must be covered. The fourth criterion is portability. Under this, residents continue to be covered if they move or travel from one province to another. And the final criterion is accessibility. This means that services must be made available to all residents on equal terms, regardless of income, age, or ability to pay. The process which a patient goes through to receive health care is very simple. When a person goes to a doctor for any kind of medical treatment they have to present what is called a provincial health card. This is a credit card-looking piece of plastic that lets your physician know you are a legal user of the system Argument Against Universal Health Care in the Us. (2018, Oct 31).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Citation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Citation paper - Essay Example Streets of South Bronx, New York in the 1970s. This is a time in the American history when racism was still a force to reckon with. It was initially popular with the African-American youth with whom it was identified. Evidently, the term hip hop was coined by Keith Cowboy, a popular figure associated with Furious Five and Grandmaster Flash. After its invention, hip hop music became so popular especially due to the throwing of block parties which had become a prominent phenomenon at the time. Later, it transformed from a mere music genre into a culture. This cultural movement was mainly popular with the black youth who were still relying on it for changing the societal political, linguistic and artistic thought. Today, it is not restricted to the African-Americans only. Instead, it has become an accommodative culture that cuts across the divide. In fact, it is used by people from diverse racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds to combat crime and advocate for harmony in their midst. The article stresses that hip hop is a very important culture in the society. It has a lot of contributions to make not only to the youth, but to the entire society. First, it has been used to empower the youth. As a commercial activity, hip hop has been used by the youth to help them to improve their communication skills and creativity. Meaning, it instills critical life skills into them. These include discipline and hard work. For instance, as artists, they need to come up with strategies to appeal to their fans and satisfy their diverse needs. Besides, hip hop culture has been of much benefit to the society since it used to fight the numerous challenges facing different people in the society. just like it was done during its earlier stages, hip hop has helped in advocating for change. Therefore, it has been used by the youth to fight for the availability of shelter, education, job

Discourse-Specific Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discourse-Specific Narrative - Essay Example This essay discusses my literacy history and how it has been developed as a scholar through discourse communities and sponsors during my past and present experiences in reading, writing, research, and critical thinking experiences that await you in the discourse community particular to your major or career. Research demonstrates accounts of literacy attainment as well as language learning, also shows literacy teaching practices, development processes and writing struggles among scholars (Casanave and Vandrick 17). Such philosophical studies have resulted in creating considerable benefits to interested parties by permitting them to explore the scholar’s experiences in some detail (Bruner 105). The relationship between learning and literacy has been highlighted by many researchers. (Devereux and Wilson 124) affirm that the development of an array of literacy practices necessary for a particular discourse community, for example teachers, is crucial because of the close relationship between learning and literacy since scholars need to be able interpret a text, create meaning from it, know the relationships between text structure and function, draw conclusions, and develop the ability to critically think. According to these authors (Devereaux and Wilson) one of the most significant challenges for educators in is to develop forms of learning support that will present students with opportunities to develop their understanding of relevant concepts through literacy. My literacy experience started back at home. Most of my foundation literacy skills came from my family and close friends. My parents instructed me at home during my early schooling years. I remember my parents holding up using a portable blackboard to write simple vowels. I can memorize her voice repeatedly saying A, E, I, O, U. putting all this information in my head was boring and recurring at the time and that memory of boredom is fixed in my mind permanently. Although I struggled with

Saturday, July 27, 2019

4 Ps of Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

4 Ps of Marketing - Term Paper Example The reason behind the success of business includes a long process where the achievement of success depends on marketing. The success associated with the marketing process depends upon various marketing strategies and these marketing strategies deal with 4 Ps of marketing. Thus, the implementation of marketing strategies in an appropriate manner is very important in order to achieve success by an organization. In other words, the marketing mix is the combination of all the marketing plans made by an organization (Belohlavek, 2008). Each of these four P’s is very important factors for an organization in order to create such a marketing mix which will easily attract customers towards the organization. It helps in determining the profit potential of an organization. Product means the goods/services which are offered to the customers by an organization. Apart from the offering of the physical product, there are various other elements associated with the product which helps in attra cting the customers. It can be the packaging of the product, any additional feature in the product etc. In the case of service product, it is the quality of services, the facilities provided to the customers, etc which help to attract the customers towards the organization. ...In a similar way, basic products which are used regularly should be positioned targeting the price conscious customers. Some of the important aspects associated with the products are design, warranties, brand name, product range, etc. Customer research is one of the key elements while creating an effective marketing mix. The organization’s knowledge about the needs and demands of the target market as well as about the competitors will help it to offer the product that will be appealing to the customers and will avoid various mistakes. Addition of a new product in the business always includes an acceptable amount of risk/return exchange. For example- If the company is very good, with a high brand name, t hen providing services on time is the most important part of the product bundle.

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Business of Botswana Country Essay

International Business of Botswana Country - Essay Example When Botswana appeared on the face of the map, there was no army for the defence and protection of the country. In 1977 Botswana Defence Force was formed and today almost 12000 armed men are an integral part of the system (Botswana, 2007). The government of Botswana has perfectly maintain the outflow of diamonds for the economic well being of the country and from last three decades Botswana is a leader in the production of quality diamonds. Thus, the revenue generated from diamond mining is very rightly used to carry out the essential expenditures of the country (Background Note: Botswana, 2007). The other chief sources of income in Botswana include tourism and cattle industry. Before 1971 the market was based on agriculture and farming, but then diamond mining started that heightened the economic growth and also increased the per capita income of the country as compared to many other African countries (The World Fact Book, 2007). Whenever we consider the economic structure of a place, we cannot deny the fact that there are some threatening issues related to that area which have an immense effect on the expansion and progression of the nation. Similarly, Botswana is dealing with the victims of HIV- AIDS as the country has the second highest infection rate and as a result huge amounts are needed to tackle the problem every year (Structure of the economy, 2007). In addition to it, the nation is also facing crisis in the employment sector. A large number of population is unemployed and the government is taking keen interest in facilitating the service sector. Cultural values of Botswana In the northern areas of Botswana trained and skilful women are working in their villages. They are famous for weaving and crafting. Moreover, few writers of that part of the world are famous for their work primarily Bessie Head, who wrote about Botswana until her death in 1986 (Binsbergen, 2002). In the same manner people from different fields have entered the global market in order to promote the culture of Botswana and to strengthen its economy in the world (Botswana, 2007). Botswana - International trade today and 25 years back After the independence of Botswana in 1966, agriculture had been its major economic sector. Its main emphasis had been on agricultural goods which shared about forty percent (40%) of the Gross Domestic Product of Botswana and forms the basic exports of the country. Even today the primary sector contributes highest to the country's GDP, which now, not only includes agricultural goods but also mining. Now Botswana is on the path of diversification. It is working hard to diverse its economy and emphasizing more on manufacturing goods and mining than on agricultural goods. Its main manufacturing products include meat products, dairy products, textiles, chemical and leather products, wooden products and many others. In 1983 the mining sector contributed 52.6 percent to the GDP (Kapunda, 2003, 3). The major exports of Botswana are focused to Common custom area, USA, UK, Zimbabwe and to other European countries. In the year 1985 the total exports of Botswa

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HIV-1 Detection by Western Blot Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

HIV-1 Detection by Western Blot - Lab Report Example The antibody when exposed to the enzyme with the substrate will lead to the production of a band that is colored (Luttmann, Bratke, Kupper and Myrtek, 2006). The test is done several times in the positive and the negative control serum to bring the clear identification of the viral protein. In the carrying out the test, there is the consideration of the nine HIV specific bands. When the bands are exposed to the serum of the individual the reaction that occurs in the bands and the patterns is what results to the diagnosis of the individual with the HIV virus. In the experiment to determine the availability of the virus, the polyacrylamide gel is extracted from the tray and the nylon that is used in the experiment is place directly onto the gel. After the nylon membrane is placed on the gel, bands of protein are transferred to the surface of the nylon membrane which makes them to be absorbed by the nylon membrane through the hydrophobic bonds (Wikipedia, 2013). The transfer between the bonds is achieved in chambers that are specially designed through capillary flow or by application of vacuum. DNA and RNA microarrays have been used in the determination of the infection with HIV since they are the key ways in the understanding of the expression of the genes and the method also allow for the rapid quantification of many of the genes once in the given cell that is focused. The microarrays have focused on the determination of the effect of the HIV on the single viral proteins in the individual in the line of lymphoid cells. The microarrays are used in the determination of the HIV due to the instance that the expression of the genes in an individual are always altered during the time of infection with the HIV (Luttmann, Bratke, Kupper and Myrtek, 2006). Infection in the individual is confirmed when the microarrays multiplex leading to the detection and also differentiate the sources that has brought the infection in the individual. In the carrying out of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Psychological Therapies and Youth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychological Therapies and Youth - Essay Example In this chapter, the need to actually find the right reason and the right procedure to help these young individuals survive their youth. All the different situations that they are to face must be well prepared for. Besides this, it should also be assured that the decision that they make is well guided so as to ensure their decisions would have better future results. IT could not be denied that not giving these individuals proper guidance would cause their future to stumble down. As a result many young individuals are now subjected to different therapies that are aimed to giving them the necessary assistance that they are in need of to live a better life. These therapies are rather developed to ensure that the said youngsters are given the right guidance that they need to assure that they are given the right attention so as to make them more competent and strong enough to face their lives as young adults who are getting ready for a better future ahead of them. In support to this Hanne l (2006) says that "being able to identify the fact that a young individual needs an assistance, giving them the right attention is a must, to assure that they are given a good chance to a good future" (15). ... ing the right path to youth therapy is that of preventing the roots of the situation to cause different problems in the life of the young generation later on. It could not be denied that through this particular prevention, people living around the young ones are to be subjected for involvement. It could not be denied that the therapies designed to follow this particular aim are designed to involve all the others who are supposed to help in the process of preventing the young ones from facing all the different struggles that are to be undergone if they make the different decisions in life. Besides that, the issues on youth depression are also issued an attention through these therapies. (Cappuzzi, 2008:76) In preventing the causes of youth depression, the therapies are created to make sure that the different issues faced by the young generation are given careful attention by the people that are in charged in giving the necessary assistance needed. IT could not be denied that through these therapies and assistance programs, the youths and their families are given the right knowledge and reasoning so as to make it certain that they are considerably giving each other the right support needed by each individual to face the different challenges of human living (Hannel, 2006:76). Therapists appointed to finish these responsibilities are then subjected to the challenge of identifying the different issues that certain young individuals need to face as young adults based on the different background situations that they are involved in. It could be observed then that knowing these issues are essential to the creation of the different psychological therapy approaches needed to specifically deal with certain situations that youths need to face in their journey to life. Chapter 4:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Summarized article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarized - Article Example Other factors that contributed to this was political instability and low prices of gas locally that led to the country importing this product from neighbours Qatar (the world’s leading natural liquefied gas producer NLG). The massive rise in demand for gas for both domestic and industrial use is forcing a gradual change of things although it will take billions for Kuwait to be able to fully tap this product. This is because the gas in the region is of low quality and high in sulphur making it hard to extract (Reuters 2014). According to Kelli Maleckar of energy consultancy IHS, there is a current realization by most gas producers from Middle East on both the environmental and economic benefits of increased production of gas. The other benefit is that gas can help ease on the current rising power demands in the region. Kuwait and United Arab Emirates have been on the upfront of gas import to meet their power demands. This has boosted their dependence of imported gas especially during summer when power consumption goes up due to increased air conditioning. Saudi Arabia does not import gas (Reuters 2014). Political woes have been at the centre stage of delaying negotiations with major producing companies to tap the resources that lie within the country. These may also make it difficult for the country to import from outside. The country has entered into $3 billion and a $12 billion deals with BP and Shell for five years and six years respectively. Though this has been achieved there is always that possibility of a parliamentarian raising the deal at any given time as stated by Eman Ebed Alkadi of consultancy Eurasia Group. Other deals that Kuwait has entered into include the one with Qatar a few weeks ago, though this could be just for a short time as a long term deal with Qatar is almost impossible given Doha’s support of the Islamists (Reuters 2014). The pipeline network in the region that has been in discussion for some time now would be an ideal

Case Study on a Day Care Essay Example for Free

Case Study on a Day Care Essay When couples are engaging in family planning, there are several things that they have to take into consideration. One such thing is the care of the child or children when it is time for them to return to work. A common option over the years has been that of the day care or child care center. Parents today are realizing the importance of daycare centers in their children’s development. They are looking for daycare centers that not only will take care of their child while they are away but also will provide quality, real-life learning opportunities and experiences. These learning opportunities will ensure that children are prepared not only for their academic life in school but also for real life situations outside the daycare center and their own homes. There are five basic categories of day cares: Child care centers, educational day care, family day care, non-profit day care and subsidized day care. A child care center is a large day-care provider and is often franchised under a brand name. They often have extensive facilities, including swimming pools and large playgrounds. They also provide day care for multiple ages divided into smaller groups by age. Educational day cares are intended to provide children with pre-school learning and skills to prepare her for kindergarten or elementary school. They strive to provide children with rounded spiritual, physical, mental and emotional support to prepare them for lifes challenges. A family day care is provided in the care-givers home, usually with the providers children present. They provide a familiar and comfortable setting for your child. A family day care often is smaller than other types of day care. Non-profit day cares are run by non-profit organizations, such as churches or synagogues. They sometimes include religious schooling and are often more affordable than other types of day care because of their non-profit status. Subsidized day care programs are those that provide financial assistance either through the federal or state government or an employer. The day care visited by group five, was an educational daycare. The daycare caters to children between three (3) months and three (3) years old. At the beginning of September, there were a total of forty (40) children. Currently, there are twenty-six (26) children there. Space and Equipment The day care is clean and sanitary. There is no garbage lying around, floors are clean as they are constantly mopped when messes are made. The kitchen is large enough to facilitate the free movement when 2-3 persons are in there making food preparations. It is also away from the areas where diapers are changed and away from the bathroom. It is clear that great consideration was taken in regards to inclement weather, as the space in the day care is large enough to separate sleeping children from playing children and those who are learning. The area is large enough for everyone to play when they are unable to go outside even though the tables where they have their meals are there. There are five smoke detectors throughout the building, a fire aid kit and a fire extinguisher that are strategically places. Standard childproofing techniques are utilized, (covered outlets, safety gates, door latches). The center is secure, having a buzzer that is working and therefore, strangers are not able to just walk in from the streets. The building is properly lit and ventilated and doors are placed strategically as well to facilitate emergency exit if necessary. There is short term parking space at the front for parents and guardians who come to drop off and pick up their children. Caregivers’ Credentials/Qualifications Because the caregivers are expected to create a safe and stimulating environment for the children to develop in, it is important that the staff get formal training that will equip them with the tools necessary to do so. All the members of staff are qualified. The qualifications held are varied. There are members of staff who have Level 1 and 2 Certificates in Early Childhood Care and Development from HEART Trust NTA. Other qualification held by staff is a Certificate in Practical Nursing and Heart care and a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education. Programme Activities At this stage of the child’s development, it is important to have activities that engage the children’s minds and develop skills that will be needed in further learning. At the day care, there is a structured schedule that includes plenty of time for physical activity, quiet time (including daily reading sessions for groups and individuals), group activities, individual activities, meals, snacks, and free time. The activities cover the duration of time that the children are at the day care from the moment of arrival to the time of departure. The physical activities come in varied forms including music movement (dance) and play time- outdoor play and free play. Free play is for the children to do whatever they feel like doing, whether it is engaging in imaginative play with their little friends or by themselves, playing with toys, or looking through their picture books. Outdoors, there is a slide, a swing, a monkey bar and some tires for the children to crawl through. Group activities include some aspects of the physical activities and story time, as well as their varied creative, manipulative activities. Such creative/manipulative activities include finger painting, drawing, and making things out of clay dough. This is done with the assistance of the staff. A lot of the stories are made up based on a series of pictures that are taped to the walls of the daycare. Caregivers also engage the children in picture games. The children form a ring and are shown pictures that they are to identify. Those who correctly identify the pictures get an extra treat at meal time. They are also taught nursery rhymes such as â€Å"hey diddle diddle†, and â€Å"itsy bitsy spider† and the alphabet song. There are designated times for snacks, and other meals. They do not allow the children to eat right throughout the day but encourage the habit of eating at intervals. There is also designated naptime and quiet time for the children. The activities are very appropriate as they are in keeping with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. In the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, which is the first stage, Piaget stresses the importance of discovery through a child’s active interaction with the environment. Between birth and age two (2), children discover the world using their senses and motor activity because they are limited by their inability to use language or symbols at this stage. Therefore, the hands on activities that they are engaged in, helps to enhance cognitive development at this stage. Teacher-child Relationships According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development, trust is identified as the first major developmental task of early childhood, and is established in childrens first relationship with their caregivers, parents and teachers. Trust is the first pre-requisite for effective learning. It encourages a sense of well-being and emotional security in young children, creating a solid foundation for future learning from the dynamic experiences of childhood. Without the support of early trust relationships with caring adults, children are ill-equipped to take the kinds of risk essential to the learning process. Trust develops when children come to anticipate positive experiences in the child care settings. If trust is to develop, children need sensitive and perceptive caregivers that understand childrens needs and consistently offer tender, responsive care. Having received formal training for the purpose of taking care of the children, they have an understanding of the importance of their interactions with the children and therefore treat the children accordingly. It is evident that the children trust their caregivers as they affectionately refer to them as â€Å"Auntie† and warm smile light up their tiny faces whenever they see the members of staff walk through the door. The staff plays with the children during their playtime. There is prompt responsiveness to the cries or outbursts of the children and reassurance is given when the infant is crying, except in cases when the child is throwing a tantrum. In such instances, the infant is spoken to firmly but gently. The ratio of teacher to child is 1: 6. However, the caretakers try to share their attentions evenly among the children. They tend to group the children together when they are interacting with them so that none is left out. There were demonstrations of positive reinforcement from the caregivers. When a child did not like what was prepared for them to eat, he or she was coaxed into eating by the use of various methods, one of which was to pretend that the spoonful of food was an airplane loaded with niceties. The child was praised when he or she would chew the food and swallow it. The caregiver would also reward the child with the option of having their juice before the water if the food was eaten. A sense of autonomy is identified as the second major developmental task of early childhood and is developed when a child is allowed to practice newly acquired physical skills. At the daycare, the children are encouraged to do things for themselves. There are toddlers who prefer to feed themselves, even though they make a bit of a mess when they do. Nonetheless, they are allowed to do so. They are encouraged to pick up after themselves and therefore run around picking up toys when they are done playing. During outdoor play, the older and stronger children are allowed to climb the monkey bars by themselves with the ‘Auntie’ hovering close by to give assistance if it is needed. Recommendations A good day care is one that has a good reputation. No one will want to send their child/children to a daycare that has a bad track record. Established ground rules and policies are important and this is something a good day care has. These rules and policies should include what to do when a child gets sick, or has an accident while at the daycare, schedule pick up times (even though there should be some amount of flexibility with this), safety policies, etcetera. A good day care has a stimulating curriculum that is age appropriate. As these are the formative of a child’s life, activities should be geared at setting a foundation of later learning. The day care should have a license that is current. This is an indication that the day care is in legal operation. Qualified staff is also important. Parents want to know that when they drop their children off at the day care, they are in good hands. The facilities should be clean and safe as well. The day care of study can be considered to be a good one. However, there are a few things that could be done to improve the facility. The acquisition of more qualified staff is something that should be looked into. Even though the caregivers try to pay attention to all the children in their care, it can be taxing for one staff member to have to oversee six children at once, especially during play time. There is a need for more toys for the children, especially building blocks. There is presently a toy drive going on to help with the endeavor of procuring more toys. In doing so, they can look into getting another slide as the tiny one that is there cannot suffice for all the children that want to use it during outdoor play. They need to also look into getting straps or bars put on the swing as there are children who have a habit of getting in and out of the swing while it is in flight. This can be very harmful to them. The monkey bar is also a cause of concern as it is very dangerous, especially for the smaller children. The spaces between each bar are too wide and therefore adjustments may have to be made by putting plastic or wooden bars in between each space to reduce the width that the children will have to climb on. There is a gate at the end of one of the driveways that is too far from the ground and so the ball continues to go under the gate when the children play in the driveway. They need to lower the gate or put something to block the opening so that the ball does not run onto the road. Closing Remarks Members of group five (5) can conclude that the visit to the day care was a productive one. The time spent with the children was thoroughly enjoyed as there was more than mere observation. The day care is a great one and should become better if the things in the afore mentioned recommendations are taken into consideration. Group five would recommend this day care to parents and guardians seeking one as they take into consideration the holistic development of the children.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Essay Example for Free

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Essay The research gives the patient as well as the doctors and other healthcare professionals the education to be able to make the best decisions possible with treatments for each different individual as well as the support of the Government in this research. â€Å"The economics of medical product development determines how pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies establish their funding priorities. According to industry estimates, it takes an average of $800 million and 10-15 years to develop a new drug, medical device, or biologic and bring it to the market† [ (Resnick, 2003) ] Scope The overall scope of PhRMA is to do research in improving the quality of healthcare and how to do this. With the ultimate goal being patients receiving health care that is most efficient. Making sure that the research that is done is prioritized by the needs of the patients as well as society as a whole, having the research cover not only specific treatments costs and savings, but the costs of all healthcare treatments as a whole. As well as making sure that all technologies are used appropriately in all of healthcare. Design The design of PhRMA is to make sure that the research that is done is quality research. The data needs to be sufficient in nature as well as having the studies that are done show both the opportunities to improve as well as the strengths to improve upon. Making sure that the research that is done is up to date in this ever changing field so that it is providing the best results possible. The research needs to be both of a broad nature as well as a specifically direct nature, covering aspects that are important to society and the patients. Considering both economic issues and how well patients can be productive members of society, doing additional research to get patients to that point if they are not. Application PhRMA needs to make sure that the research that they are doing shows that not all patients are equal in the needs that they have medically and that if the research is not done on a personal level and done instead on a population level then the results will not show the individuals needs. In short, research that is done on a broader spectrum is only one way that can help people and the doctors to make an informed decision on care. With all of the technology that is out in the world of healthcare people needs to be informed on the other options that they may have for treatment. The government research should consider a balance in communicating the findings of its research. Giving access to peer reviewed results so that treatment decisions are well rounded before a decision is made. â€Å"Government decisions related to the funding and conduct of health outcomes research should be made through open, transparent procedures that ensure appropriate and timely involvement of stakeholders such as patients, health care professionals and medical researchers on issues such as proposed research goals, study designs and communication of study results. † [ (Resnick, 2003) ] In this communication, keeping in mind that all people can react differently to different treatments making sure to keep the needs of the patients as well as the value in mind. Discussion The article that I read was very interesting. I did not realize with the complication of research, especially with in the healthcare industry exactly how much of it really does affect the economy. Giving patients the variety in the different treatments that they receive can have a positive effect on the economy. It can over time change pricing (costs inputs), and with additional research that is constantly done on the variety of the treatments over time will help to create medical advances over time.  In the mission statement of PhRMA it states â€Å"To conduct effective advocacy for public policies that encourage discovery of important new medicines for patients by pharmaceutical and biotechnology research companies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sociology Essays Code Street Life

Sociology Essays Code Street Life Code Street Life Interpreting The Code of the Street â€Å"Gangster life† is often portrayed as exiting and glamorous, while the news often stereotypes the urban slums as being corrupt by violent criminals. Elijah Anderson thoroughly explains in his book â€Å"Code of the Street† that life in poor minority communities are not always portrayed correctly in the media. The author offers a unique way of researching for this topic; by living in the area he studies he is able to share information only known by experience. He intends to expose and clarify the life of the inner city streets. The first chapter, â€Å"Decent and Street Families†, explains several issues many families face when raiding a â€Å"decent† child. The lifestyles of of these minority communities are, in reality, very complex and intricate. The book explains how the â€Å"Code†, or lifestyle, varies for many groups within the culture. The difference between street and decent families and the way they interact with each other, the difference of communities, and the significance of respect are all main ideas explained within the first two chapters. The violent surroundings and unfair circumstances are the origin of each individual’s lifestyle. The author uses the term â€Å"structural circumstances† to define the position one becomes involved in as a results of their place in society. One example the author used in his novel is the life of a â€Å"decent† single mother, where the term â€Å"decent’ is used to describe the individuals that do not give in to society’s negative influences. Though one common theme among decent families that is currently on the rise is grandmothers raising grandchildren â€Å"particularly the increasing number of grandmothers raising grandchildren, often see their see their difficult situation as a test from God and derive great support from their faith and church community† (Anderson 38). Single mothers and grandparents have a much more difficult time swaying their children from the negative influences of the â€Å"street†. One common trait of the â€Å"decent† child is the ability to â€Å"code switch†. A decent child is often mocked and teased by peers as well as family members as explained in Yvette’s Story, which is the reason for code-switching. One of the first stories titled â€Å"The Decent Single Mother† Explains the many hardships of having to raise a child in a dent manner without the support of a fatherly figure. The ability to code-switch permits a child to use crude and vulgar language and act in a different manner while in the streets, thus giving a child a way to survive certain situations. The author insists that this trait is taught by the parents, thought I believe it is learned thorough experience. In the â€Å"street† manhood is defied as how well one can defend him or herself in a fight. And at the same time, being able to fight and not let anyone else talk oneself down raises respect among the peers. The author claims â€Å"Respect becomes critical for stating out of harms way† (Anderson 66). There is a problem that might arise after a fight though, revenge. Revenge can become very dangerous depending on the person who was offended by being beaten. Examples vary form returning with a group of friends or even family members to intimidate others (An example taken from Marge’s story) to returning with a weapon where the outcome can result in serious injury or even death. This â€Å"Campaign for Respect† arises when the people feel as if they are abandoned and will not receive help from authorities, feeling as if they are on their own. The author writes: â€Å"[M]any of those residing in such communities feel that they are on their own, that especially in matters of personal defense, they must assume the primary responsibility† (Anderson 66). The film that portrays the best idea as to how the streets of the Bronx might have been like is the film â€Å"Boys N the Hood†. There are several scenes in the film that relate to the book. For example, in the beginning of the film the main character, a troublemaker, is sent to live with his father to learn how to â€Å"be a man†. There is a whole chapter dedicated to the campaign for respect; a section of which is titled â€Å"Manhood and Nerve†. Here the author claims â€Å"For many inner-city youths, manhood and respect are two sides of the same coin [†¦] both require a sense of control, of being in charge† (Anderson 91). Loosing control over a situation can result in disastrous effects. The author does not give any specific examples however since the film closely relates to the topic of the book, bringing an example from the film is appropriate. A scene from the film involves â€Å"Doughboy†, one of the main characters in the movie, and his attempt to recover his brother’s stolen football from a group of much bigger and stronger boys. He stands up to the group of boys who are pushing him around. He gets in the face of one boy in particular and kicks him in the leg. The bigger boy retaliates by slapping Doughboy down and kicking him in the stomach. Doughboy criticizes his brother for being â€Å"stupid† and bringing the ball in the first place. Doughboy is has been humiliated in front of his brother and at that time is also feeling embarrassed and places the blame toward his brother. Doughboy’s attempt to retrieve his brother’s football and the resulting assault has everything to do with â€Å"juice† and the cultural adaptations Doughboy has had to make as the street kid in his decent family. As a street kid he needs to be aggressive and assert himself physically. Therefore, when his brother’s ball is stolen he reacts violently as this is the language of street life. The older boy, not to be shown up by a small, lesser boy, beats Doughboy up, most likely in order to maintain his reputation as a tough street kid. Also, just like a street kid, drugs and alcohol become a major part of his life later on as he is always seen drinking a forty. As â€Å"objects play an important and complicated role in establishing self-image† (Anderson, 73) his car also becomes a source of juice as it has expensive features and is very well maintained. The main goal for the decent family is to give the younger generation, usually their offspring, a chance to develop and grow out of the raging violence of the streets. Instilling good morals in a child’s early years is often emphasized: â€Å"In decent families there is almost always a real concern with and a certain amount of hope for the future. Such attitudes are often in a drive to work †¦ ‘to build a good life,’ while at the same time trying to ‘make due with what you have’† (Anderson 37). Instilling these morals into the children is important if that child is to make the right decisions while in the street. Even though this task is daunting on its own, it becomes especially daunting when there is a single parent. A household maintained under the supervision of a father figure creates a more stable environment for the child. Sure both parents may work double shifts and may work late night after night, but this only serves as another reason for the children to perform well. A passage from the book shares this idea: â€Å"The children nodded attentively. After the adults left, the children seemed to relax, talking more freely and playing with one another. When the parents returned, the kids straightened up again [†¦] displaying quiet and gracious manners all the while† (Anderson 39). In this patriarchal family the head of the household, usually the father, the children remain obedient out of fear of disappointing their parents. The decent children in this passage have a slightly higher chance at success than their fellow peers solely because neither they nor their parents have given in to the street life. Respect, or â€Å"Juice†, is highly valued in the streets. It is something everyone should earn in order to live without being constantly picked on or harassed. Juice can be earned in multiple ways however the most common way is through fights. In the book, Anderson claims â€Å"[T]here are always people around looking for a fight in order to increase their share of respect† (73). The alternative to engaging in random fights is intimidation through physical appearance. The way a person is viewed depends on physical their appearance where factors such as the more jewelry one has, the most expensive clothing, and even the way one grooms oneself determines the amount of respect they have. In the last example Doughboy seeks revenge for his brother’s murder and, in the process the characters act out Anderson’s ideas about reasons for revenge and Tre’s decent kid dilemma. Ricky was a much loved and valued member of the group of boys featured in the film. By murdering Ricky, the group of other males has greatly disrespected Doughboy’s position in the streets. Doughboy, as Anderson would predict, does not appear to fear death as he will face Ricky’s murderers with his gun and kill them, knowing, as he discusses the next day with Tre, that he will most likely â€Å"get smoked†, meaning shot to death. â€Å"True nerve expresses a lack of fear of death† and this proves manhood, which is very closely related to respect (Anderson, 92). Like Tyree in Anderson’s book, Doughboy feels an obligation to hurt those that hurt his brother and gains power from hurting others in the most severe form (Anderson, 84). Doughboy is purely a street kid. In short, Anderson’s book, â€Å"Code of the Street† discusses ideas of decent and street families as well as the crucial concept of respect in a way that is in agreement with the film â€Å"Boyz N the Hood†. The actions of Tre and his father mirror those of a decent family living in poor minority community and Doughboy’s actions are characteristic of Anderson’s ideas about street individuals. Their lives warrant examination in order to determine causes of crime as well as reasons why not all individuals in these violent communities are criminals. It is clear that opportunities need to be afforded to the individuals in these communities so that they can have hope for the future and not end up with the mindset of Doughboy that it doesn’t matter if he’s shot because everyone has to die sometime. The people must be allowed access to the resources necessary to become decent families which include alternative avenues to gaining â€Å"juice.† As opposed to achieving respect through violence and drug dealing, other standards and means to reach those standards need to be instilled in the community. Education and job training should be stressed and drug problems should be treated. Violence in the community should also be controlled so that individuals feel safe and decent kids can listen to music and study as opposed to the popping sounds of gunshots.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of the Discourse and Rhetoric since September 11 Essay

September 11, 2001. After terrorists hijacked four American airliners, toppling the World Trade Center in New York and damaging the Pentagon just outside Washington, rhetoric in various circles of the West among authors, theorists, and pundits centered around a number of interesting topics. The nature of evil has become a topic over which much debate and rhetoric has ensued. Some have used it as a means by which they can explain these actions, whereas others see it as an obstacle to a proper explanation. Even others see it as false, but a necessary falsehood for the war effort. Furthermore, the debate over if, or the extent to which, United States and Western foreign policy contributed to these attacks has also stirred passions on both sides of the argument. My intention is to engage in an analysis of the discourse and rhetoric since September 11. Discourse can be defined as the production of knowledge through language (Hall 201). Certainly, events such as those that occurred on September 11 lead to a production of knowledge, or, at the least, attempts at understanding. Language is being used in very interesting ways by many people in an attempt to produce knowledge or understanding since September 11. I have selected both public figures and intellectuals for this discursive evaluation in order to make a sufficient analysis. There is a dichotomy between the context within which public figures such as the Reverend Billy Graham and President George W, Bush speak and academics or literary figures such as Stanley Fish, Edward Said, and Salman Rushdie. Part of this dichotomy, undoubtedly, exists because of the accountability of public figures to those they represent. One of the first references to evil in the wake of t... ...ction to Modern Societies. Ed. Stuart Hall et al. Polity Press. 184-227. Kurtz, Stanley. â€Å"Edward Said, Imperialist.† The Weekly Standard. 8 October 2001: 33-35. Rushdie, Salman. â€Å"Fighting the Forces of Invisibility.† The Washington Post. October 2, 2001: A25. --------. â€Å"Yes, This Is About Islam.† The New York Times. 2 November 2001. 12 December 2001 . Said, Edward. â€Å"Islam and the West are inadequate banners.† The Observer. 16 September 2001. 12 December 2001. . ---------. â€Å"The Clash of Ignorance.† The Nation. 22 October 2001. 12 December 2001 . Williams, Raymond. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Pride and the Prejudice Essay example -- Literary Analysis, Jane Aust

â€Å"The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.† (1) Said Mr Darcy. This is one of the world's most popular novels, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice has charmed readers since its publication of the story of the amusing Elizabeth Bennet and her relationship with the aristocrat Fitzwilliam Darcy. During this essay it will explore the construction of characters, in particular it will be Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy also exploring the social situation in which the characters operate and exploring the cultural context (Victorian England). The position of the writer Jane Austen, I find she is trying to say that power is an effect of social structure and not an absolute force imposed on it, nobody is completely powerful or powerless also that power is an effect of unequal relations between people that society recognises as people belonging to certain groups e.g. gender, sexuality, age or profession. Power is related to class and class is related to reputation. The lines of class are strictly drawn. While the Bennett’s, who are upper middle class, they may socialize with the upper-class people like Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. The main discourse of power represented in this book is Wealth, Class, Family, Marriage and Gender. These are all significant in this book because Pride and the prejudice was written in the 18 - 19th century, (the classic English society), â€Å"where in the rural England it was dominated economically and socially by the landowners whose vast estates were the core of rural life†(2), oth er being men. When females where only meant to maintain there own social and finical reputation by getting married ... ...but the most major would have to be power. This essay explored the construction of characters in the novel most in particular Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy it demonstrated who is powered and disempowered on many different levels of this novel. Although this book is inviting to all readers even if the writing techniques are much different then the language these days it is the reader. In the end the novel it is completely evident that there is power and disempowerment through out the whole book, even if you do not notice it. Althrough the Darcy-Elizabeth and Bingley-Jane marriages, Austen shows the power of love and happiness to overcome class boundaries and prejudices (power). â€Å"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.† (1) Said Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Pancreas Transplant: A Cure for Diabetes?” :: Endocrine System

The article, â€Å"Pancreas Transplant: A Cure for Diabetes?† written by Eli A. Friedman, M.D., explores the possibility of a cure for type 1 diabetes and the implications involving this experimental procedure. The article discusses current procedures and treatments that are commonly used to control type 1 diabetes and highlights provisional treatments that evolved into pancreatic transplant surgery. The editorial explains that diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of irreversible renal failure, known more commonly as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Diabetes mellitus can cause nerve, vascular and other problems that can result in limb amputation and blindness. There are two types of diabetes: long-duration, non-insulin dependent (type 2) and insulin-dependent (type 1). Type 1 seems to attract the most attention from Physicians and the media. Many of those that suffer from type 1 are children and young adults. Dr. Friedman underlines some of the most common existing treatments for type 1 diabetes. Insulin is used to correct the imbalances in blood sugar and patients are required to reduce the amount of dietary protein they consume. This type of treatment focuses on slowing the possibility of developing kidney disease and retinopathy. For many diabetics, the time will come when their damaged kidneys are no longer sufficiently cleaning the blood and they must begin dialysis. When a diabetic reaches the ESRD stage, the likely option is kidney transplant. Dr. Friedman adds that a kidney transplant will not solve the problem and the disease will eventually progress without a pancreas transplant. The article stipulates that diabetes involves the pancreas as well as the kidney. The pancreas produces insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose. When the pancreas malfunctions, diabetes can result. The idea behind kidney/pancreas transplant is to replace the kidneys damaged by diabetes and to eliminate abnormal insulin production by providing a new healthy pancreas.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Making America a Better Place Essay

America has had many great leaders in its history. They were all great though they all had different strategies. Leaders also come in different packages like some were presidents and some were just common people that influenced people. It does not matter what they were or what strategies they used they all wanted the best for America and led it through tough times and change. Two leaders American leaders that admire are Martin Luther King Jr. and Eisenhower. They both gave meaningful speeches our nation. Dr.  King gave a great inspirational speech in Memphis, Tennessee in order to push civil rights forward, while Eisenhower gave a farewell speech saying good bye to our nation. One thing that Dr. King and Eisenhower had differently in their speeches was their purpose. Dr. King’s purpose was to motivate the black community to fight for their equal rights and fix America’s racism problem. On the other hand Eisenhower was motivating the citizen to keep America progressing forward and cautiously without him. The only similarity that their purpose has is that they motivate a group of people living in America. A similarity is that they both repetition in their speeches. Dr. King uses it to engage more motivation form his audience. For example Dr. King repeats â€Å"If I had sneezed† to show that great things have happened and will continue to happen. Eisenhower also uses repetition, he repeat â€Å"Night† to his audience to emphasize that he is leaving the presidency to become a common citizen. These great leaders might have had different purposes and different strategies but their main goal was to make America a better.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources Practitioner Essay

interpolationThis report pull up stakes be divided in 2 activities, initiatory, a design description of the CIPD professed(prenominal) Map, which volition dish out us fix a stop makeing of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an legal practitioner. The second activity will pronounce how an HR practitioner give the axe crack the operate they provide ar by the bye and efficacious.Activity 1 Brief scheme of CIPD Human Resources master key person MapThe CPID Professional Map its a prick bumped to help HR professionals picture what they read to know and do in individu eachy level of their c argonrs. The Map is presented to us divided in 4 briny sectionsIt begins with the Core professional Areas These 2 atomic number 18as are the center of the map and applic adequate to(p) for both no matter what level or position you work in HR, and they are Insights, Strategy and Solutions This professional area underpins the cathexis of the profession a s an applied clientele discipline. This area also allows HR Professionals, to develop actionable insights and ransom situational HR solutions. star HR This professional area focuses on HR Professionals that are active and insight-led and are actively spark advance separates who own, shape and impetuous the organization.They develop the organization across 3 main areas of leadership Personal leadership, leading others and leading figures. Then it describes the Specialist Professional Areas the 8 specialist professional areas mark what you need to Know and to do, in each of the 4 bands. These are Organisational design, Organisational development, Resourcing and talent planning, teaching and development, Performance and reward, Employee engagement, Employee relations and finally redevelopment delivery and Information, one of the areas Im just about beguileed, here we clear to operate that Hr attends and knowledge are delivered effectively, efficiently and cartridge h olderly and data is debate in a professional manner.To make up effective there are 8 behaviours, these behaviours describe how an HR professional should bleed out for their successful accomplishment and they are 1. Curious interested, willingness to learn and to develop, growing inwardly an organization 2. Decisive thinker uses learning to make defendable decisions 3. Skilled influencer capacity to persuade in ordain to bring forward the indispensable support 4. Personally credible patterns a reputation of professionalism at all multiplication adding value to the organisation 5. collaborative team work, able to work with mess of all levels 6. Driven to deliver ratiocination to nutrition the job done development all resources to deliver the high hat dissolvent 7. Courage to challenge confident to declaim up, challenging others even in unknown circumstances 8. Role model impartial, straightforward, leads by example.There are also 4 bands that defines what p rofessionals need to do to progress done the bands in order to develop their careers. tone ending from band 1 which reflect the good deal carrying out administrative and support activities up to the requirements needed in people in leading roles who make decisions and are accountable for the development of HR strategy.My role in HRUnfortunately for the measure world Im non working in HR but having a background of HR Administrator I would have to chose Service delivery and information as the professional area that best reflects my experience. I have placed myself at rope 1(or even before that), condescension my short experience working in HR I developed interest in that particular area and would want to proceed my career in that speakion. Considering Band 1 the activities and knowledge specified inside this role would be ActivitiesProvide the relevant information and advice to managers and employees hold back accurate records of sheath historyDelivery service excellence, guest care even by times of changeKnowledgeBe able to handle, escalate and resolve problems and complaintsManageemployees lifecycle and other needsKnow how to use HRIS and do data reportsActivity 2 With credit en interpret to your own (or other identified) HR role, outline how an HR practitioner should attend the services they provide are timely and effectiveCustomer needs and their requirements of HR apprehensiveness guests needs is essential for an HR professional if we what to deliver an effective service. Some of HR customers can be Managers requiring absence reports, community policies or support with employee relations. Employees who might point information regarding their holidays, salary or the damage of their contracts. Even Job candidates are HR customers, needing assistance with an application for an open vacancy. non always is easy for HR practitioners to ensure that the services they provide will be timely and effective.Different customers can have different needs at the alike time and if it conflicts with our workload we need to rate the tasks that have to be dealt with. Payroll unremarkably is something that acclaims as a priority for customers. This sort of issues will be prioritized and handled in a timely manner in order to guarantee an efficient service and customer satisfaction. Who requested? When was requested? Are questions that need to be taken into account when you are planning your daily schedule.Communication methodsWhen we whistle about communication one of the most valuable things we always want to handle is that the inwardness that is macrocosm sent is reliable and understood. Here are 3 examples of communications methodsEmail with email we can glide by with everyone in the federation. Its an easy tool around to use, quickly and you can reach a lot of people at the alike(p) time, and you can always keep cause of what was discussed. However it has some disadvantages can be sent by mistake to the treat person (breaching dpa) and the receiver might understand something that was not supposed to bethe message sent.Telephone Its the most direct and quick method from where we can get immediate answers. The disadvantage is that if the conversations are not recorded there will be no evidence of the communication.Intranet The intranet is increasingly seemly a privileged method of communication. It contains important information available to all staff. usually is updated on a regular land with the latest recents, relevant information, organizational changes etcetera The advantage is that not all employees reed instrument what is posted. efficient service deliveryTo deliver effective service its life-and-death that you build and maintain relationships with all of your customers (managers, employees, finance). Keep your promises, expectations have to be met, if you compromise yourself with something your customers will be expecting that from you. This will build a trusty relationship and will build up their confidence in your service. When discourse problems, complaints or difficulties make sure the issue is addressed to the right person or that it is your place to solve it. I see the best way to approach these situations, is to first of all, identify the problem and the point of candidate of all parties, be sympathetic and come up with options to solve these problems. If it cant be solved immediately eliminate them a time frame and keep them updated of further developments.Customers need to know that something is being done with the complaint they presented. One of the factors in providing effective service that needs to be taken into account is social club figure, every outlay has to be considered in your budget since stationary, Hr administrations, training etc. If the company is thinking of acquire a new HR system the budget will be taken into consideration. As HR practitioners we need to provide the best on budget option. Where can money be saved? C an we economize time with this new tool? We have to try to find a new system that could allows us to incorporate multiple tools in one, for instance a new HR System that also enables us to have payroll and appraisal system. This could help thecompany save resources such as time and money, making easier for HR to deliver an Effective service.To conclude we can say that throughout this report we were able to identify the 8 specialist professional areas in which we can develop our HR career and the necessary behaviours to be successful in it. Reflecting on my own experience or what I believe its effective we went through the different methods of communication available to you as an HR practitioner and how to handle your customers complaints and difficulties, always guarantying an effective service .aspx http// http//

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce doesnt finish a covenant.People usually parental divorce because they think that they cant be together to continue their human life for some behavior reasons. Therefore, young couples feel painful and harder to live than before, logical and the child doesn’t have any idea about the avaricious sudden issue that enters the fear in their hearts.Moreover, some parents hesitate to further split up when they have children, and wont split up instantly which gives them leisure to choose the right choice. Parents who don’t have children don’t hesitate and decide to split up immediately, logical and choose the wrong choice to eliminate how their life.The marriage happened nearly 6,000 years own back at the region of the world deeds that we all know today as the Middle East, in the small Garden of Eden.Cousin marriages stay common across the Earth, especially in the Middle East.

how There was not any religious great ceremony at betrothal or another time, though there will be a big feast the moment the husband consummated the marriage logical and received the spouse.Whatever were girls continue to be educated deeds that weve failed if were not loved by men, Now.Youve got to accept that and first move forward.Everything you place your much attention on grows.

Not a soul in D.appears to want to repair anything.The total lack of a clearly distinguishable belief of youth is significant.Nobody knows logical and so nobody understands of our pain.

Be certain to maintain copies from where the spouse can locate them.Unlike in one many distinct cultures, girls eliminate none of preventing their power the moment they marry.Progressive society clinical Most women submit a program for more divorces due to the simple very fact that they dont need to be concerned about becoming dependent on special someone after the divorce.Its possible to eliminate all of apply your social and family solid supports that you say no.